Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Picture Paints A Thousand Words.

This picture was taken a couple of months ago and yep, it was me trying to be funny in front of the camera. Credit to the photographer that managed to get a balanced composition in the photo and it's colour was enriched using the Adobe Photoshop CS4 as we were using standard digital camera only. But if you look closely you can see that I missed to put more ambiance to the gold colour of the deer's front right leg. (click on the picture to get better view)


crsytal said...

"what scares you most is everything you need??"
why do u choose that phrase to put inside that picture. what r u trying to convey through those words??
cite skit cikgu...

izuan said...

actually the phrase and the picture shows that we have inner selves that we do not want to show to other people, the dark side of our selves, the side that scares us but sometime that is everything you need to stand against something that pushes you to the edge.

laksanamanira said...


i like the title..

a picture worth a thousand words, two picture worth two thousands words,

and a video?


izuan said...

a picture worths a thousand words. a video consists of frame rates, so one picture is equal to one frame rates, thus if the video has 30fps (frame rates per second) then there are 30 000 words a second and if the video lasts for one minute, then altogether there are 1 800 000 words in it. the equation has direct relationship with the fps. LOL, cikgu math da merepek..

crsytal said...

cikgu maths kereeeeeK.. nk nunjuk die pandai maen dgn equation la tue...

izuan said...

bkn kerek tp cuba mengaplikasikan konsep matematik dalam kehidupan seharian :)

crsytal said...

the side which scares us.. but at the same time the one that protect us...
mcm Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde la plak..
if it is within u/us.. then why should we be scared of it.. we should learn 2 accept it as our weakness or we can alter it to become our strength...

izuan said...

yup, just like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and some say just like Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper. well, that's the point, we must use the strength that we have in the correct way, avoiding it from altering us instead.

crsytal said...

waaa.. gud explanation...
u r quite good in playing with words.. organizing your thoughts creatively..
mmg layak jd cikgu nie.. tp patut er jdk ckg bahse.. xpe2.. 2 in 1..